Philosophy of The Revolutionary Diet

Nearly everyone is looking for the best diet plan to help them with weight loss or weight management. They're constantly buying books and magazines that tout the latest weight loss diet and teach them how to diet. They spend hundreds of dollars on healthy eating guides and meal plans that don't work (or work for a few weeks).

Meanwhile, the answer is right there in history - just live the way Americans did at the time of the American Revolution.

Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and the rest didn't sit in front of the television stuffing their mouths with Doritos and swilling Diet Coke from 64 oz. buckets. They ate real food, worked outside in the fresh air and sunshine, and got plenty of sleep.

Regardless of your diet goals, you can enjoy the benefits of healthy living without starving yourself and without suffering. Oh yeah, it's not that hard. Just eat real food and get some exercise. You'll be amazed at how quickly you get great results, how good you feel, and how good you look. And all without the pain and sacrifice that you experienced with diets in the past.


Maryjeanne Hunt: Ditch the diet, use common sense

Duh.  If you need to be told to use common sense, maybe you just don't have any.  Still, for those always seeking that magic pill or easy diet, here's some sound advice that you should read.

From The Utica Observer Dispatch:

Annual winter rumblings about failed diets and thwarted weight loss have become a cultural post-holiday ritual, so I suppose I ought to just wave the white flag now and call it a day.
Yes, it's upon us once again. Publishers have pumped out books about diets with real gusto this year –– "The Amen Solution," "The Carb Lover's Diet," "Cinch!" "The New Sonoma," "The New Atkins," "The Lean Belly Prescription" –– and guess what? They all work, and they all fail.
Why? Because they drench us with so many visions of our next meal that we forget life exists outside the imprisoning circle of this year's food rules.
I'd love to know why something as pure and uncorrupt as finding pleasure in life-sustaining nourishment had to become so complex or so evil. (Don't answer that; I know the answer and so do you.)
Naturally we're eager to hear the newest research about carbs or what the temperature of food has to do with burning body fat. If the information turns out to be true, it's pregnant with promise. Therein lies the caveat: IF it turns out to be true.
We're confused. And we're desperately hungry … for the truth.
While I must confess I haven't opened a single one of the 2011 diet books to learn what new earth-shattering secrets I might be missing, I'm confident that a little common sense will go a long way in managing our weight (not to mention our physical and psychological well-being).
So please allow me, once again, to help you wade through the plethora of diet confusion.
  • Most important, be as vigorously active as your life will allow while doing what you love.
  • Eat food that looks the way the earth gave it to us as often as possible. (Mother Earth did not create granola bars.)
  • Eat an entire rainbow of colors each day (the deeper the color, the better).
  • Eat often, but not to fullness.
  • Drink water when you're thirsty (not strictly to satisfy some arbitrary number of ounces).
  • Eat whole fruit instead of packaged juice whenever possible.
  • Save the white stuff (flour) for making things like play dough for your kids. Use whole grain flour instead.
  • Enjoy the food you choose. (If you hate celery sticks, don't promise yourself to eat them for lunch every day.)
  • Fat is not a foe, but the kind you pour (like olive oil) is better than the kind you spoon (butter). And I encourage you to substitute the word "poison" for words like "hydrogenated" or "trans" fats.
  • One final word about sugar (in any form): Our planet gives us all kinds of sweetness. You might be surprised at how sweet foods like veggies, whole grains and fruits taste once your taste buds get a break from sugar. Sugar is really just another pollutant to the body.