Philosophy of The Revolutionary Diet

Nearly everyone is looking for the best diet plan to help them with weight loss or weight management. They're constantly buying books and magazines that tout the latest weight loss diet and teach them how to diet. They spend hundreds of dollars on healthy eating guides and meal plans that don't work (or work for a few weeks).

Meanwhile, the answer is right there in history - just live the way Americans did at the time of the American Revolution.

Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and the rest didn't sit in front of the television stuffing their mouths with Doritos and swilling Diet Coke from 64 oz. buckets. They ate real food, worked outside in the fresh air and sunshine, and got plenty of sleep.

Regardless of your diet goals, you can enjoy the benefits of healthy living without starving yourself and without suffering. Oh yeah, it's not that hard. Just eat real food and get some exercise. You'll be amazed at how quickly you get great results, how good you feel, and how good you look. And all without the pain and sacrifice that you experienced with diets in the past.


The Revolutionary Diet way of supermarket shopping

When you enter most supermarkets, the areas along the outside walls are often where you find fruits and vegetables, meats and fish, and the dairy products.

The inner aisles are filled with all the prepared and packaged goods, all the fake foods made with high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and genetically-modified grains - none of the the things that existed in 1776, and none of the stuff you should be eating.

Fill up your cart with as much real food as you want. You're not going to get fat by eating produce. If you have to venture into the inner aisles, do so to pick up rice, pasta, and some condiments to flavor the real food you found along the permimeter of the market.

Be sure to park your car far from the door, so you have to walk across the parking lot, and bring reusable shopping bags (they're easier to carry, hold more, don't tear, and are good for the environment).

If there's a farmers market near your home, don't hesitate to shop there first, and buy from the supermarket only those things you can't get at the farmers market. Eating local food is good for you, good for the local farmers, and good for the environment.